The Award will comprise a document signed by the President and the Executive Director of the ICCS. It will include travel and lodging expenses, in order for the recipients to travel to Canada to officially receive the Award at the annual general meeting of the ICCS.
Jährlich (24. 11.)
International Council for Canadian Studies
c/o Robarts Centre for Canadian Studies, York University
The ICCS Award is designed to recognize and promote each year an outstanding PhD thesis on a Canadian topic, written by a member (or one of his/her students) of a Canadian Studies Association or Associate Member, and which contributes to a better understanding of Canada.
Eligibility requirements:
The author or the director of the thesis must be a member in good standing of a member association or of an associate member of the ICCS.
The application must be presented by the president of a member association or associate member, and include three paper copies or an electronic version of the thesis.
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